
Lowongan Kerja Sentra Usahatama Jaya

SUJSugarPT. Sentra Usahatama Jaya (SUJ) was established in 2003 with a PMA status to operate a Sugar Refinery in Cilegon, Banten, Indonesia. The company is owned by several local shareholders; as well as an overseas shareholder. All the shareholders have had extensive experience in the Sugar Industry over 40 years of experience in sugar distribution and trading in Indonesia.

To support our rapid growth and expansion program, we are looking for qualified and highly talented professionals with high commitment to be part of our team as:

1. Agronomist (AGR)
2. Lab Technician Staff (LTS)


* Male (1), Male/Female (2), max 28 years old
* Min S1 graduated - and posses good comprehension, majoring in Agronomy & Horticulture / Soil Science & Land Resources (1) Agriculture Technology/ Chemical Engineering (2), preferable from reputable University with min GPA 3.00
* Fresh graduated or about 1 year experience as Agronomist (1), Lab Technician (2), are encourage to apply
* Have knowledge about the processing of sweet shorgum
* Computer literate (MS Office program & Internet)
* Mature, self motivated, able to work individually as well as in a team
* Have no physical defects and no obstacles to work in plantation
* Willing to be placed in all of company business unit (Serang/Banten, Dompu/NTB, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Merauke)

If you meet with our qualification please send your complete resume with recent photograph and expected salary, mentioning the position code by email to: Recruitment@sujsugar.com or dwiboting@yahoo.com

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